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Generation WV

Generation West Virginia is the statewide organization dedicated to attracting, retaining, and advancing young people in the Mountain State. We achieve this by developing and sustaining an activated network of young people through local Generations. Providing accessible programs and educational tools that empower and inspire young leaders; identifying and communicating the priorities, motivations, and needs of the next generation of West Virginians; serving as a voice and a source of action for young people to impact policy at the local, state, and federal levels. We are working toward a vision of West Virginia where challenges are seen as opportunities, young people are drivers in our state’s future, and the Mountain State is a destination for young talent to live, work, and thrive. Generation Morgantown, our local Generation in the Mountaineer City, serves as a hub of connection, engagement, and development led by and for young people. GenMo hosts events and programs around our motto, “Work, Live, Give,” expanding the opportunities for young people to get connected and involved.

Learn more about Generation WV here:

Alex Weld

Alex Weld

Executive Director


Katherina Fritzler

Operations and Program Coordinator